Masterclass Cancer & Breath
– for breath professionals

The essence of life feels like love,appears like beauty,
and sounds like truth
Christina vond Dreien

Masterclass Cancer & Breath – for breath professionals

I am very happy to invite you to join the Masterclass Cancer & Breath. This webinar is meant specifically for breath workers, allowing me to focus my information specifically to your needs.

As a breath professional, you may know about the increasing numbers of cancer in the general population. This probably means that you are seeing more and more cancer patients in your practice.

Although a cancer patient is no different to other human beings, there are some things you need to be aware of if you wish to support them in a meaningful way.
Part of being a professional, is to know what you are talking about.

This Masterclass Cancer & Breath adresses all you need to know as a breath facilitator in order to hold a factually correct conversation not only with your clients, but also with health professionals. They may contact you, as they may wish to know what you are doing with their patients.
Apart from theory, there is also time for you to ask questions about the practical aspects of working with cancer patients in your breath practice. I will illustrate the theory with examples from my practice.
The class is in a webinar form, so you can follow it from any place where you can connect to the internet.

After the webinar, you will receive a recording of the webinar to watch at your leisure for one more month and a hand-out which contains all the handy details you may want like references to articles, numbers and figures, a guide with questions for a good discussion with your client, etc.

Needless to say, this webinar will be held in English.

On this page you can place your order for the Masterclass webinar about Cancer & Breath by clicking the button at the bottom of this page. Please go through all steps of the payment process in order to finalise your enrolment. You will receive your log-in details for the Masterclass closer to the date of the webinar.

I look forward to welcoming you at the Masterclass!

Will you join?

Next date: Tuesday April 30, 2024

Times:  10.00 – 12.30 EU time (Central European Summer Time (CEST))

Costs: 120 euro, to be paid directly upon registration.

Included are:  a 2,5 hour webinar, a recording of the webinar which will remain available for you for two months after the webinar, a hand-out with all important details like references, and some freely available references.

Minimum participants: The Masterclass is subject to a minimum of 6 participants.

When you get to the shopping cart, choose ENGLISH from the drop-down menu under the word TAAL in the lower left corner. This way everything in the payment process will be in English, instead of Dutch. Much easier to understand! 🙂

If you should be late for enrolling, please make sure you enroll one hour before the starting time at the latest. If you enroll after that time, I may not be able to get your login link to you on time!

“I really appreciated the combination of theory and how to use it in coaching. This underlying information has given me the tools to hold a professional and simple conversation with people with cancer and to support them.”
– Ank Lambers, Breathcoach

“Dat zoiets simpels zo effectief kan zijn voor het verwerken van emotie en trauma’s.” –

Yannick Pelder, fysiotherapeut, deelnemer Level I ademweekend

“Een aanrader voor iedere hulpverlener/coach. Adem schept verbinding! Transformational Breath geeft mij de opening naar het leven durven léven!”

Natasja Hazelaar
Pedagogisch behandelaar en coach NLP/systemisch werk, deelneemster Level I ademweekend

“Een training die je weer tot leven ademt.”

deelneemster Level I ademweekend

Nadja heeft mij een stuk verder geholpen in de zwaarste tijd van m’n leven. Ik was in een diepe depressie beland en ik ontdekte dat je met ademhalingsoefeningen veel rust kon terugbrengen. Ik wist niet wat ik meemaakte toen ik ontdekte wat je met ademhaling kan bereiken.
