Imagine, that everyone had access to her or his heart and moved through life from this place, instead of from the head.
Imagine, that everyone does not just plan to do good things, but actually actively acts out these plans.
What if people would actually help each other? Everyone?
In what kind of world would we live?
I believe this is possible, but this would need a change.
We would need enlightenment.
Not the high flying form we so often imagine with this word, but in the form of a life lived in peace, love and harmony.
I believe this is achievable.
And, how do we do this?
I think it starts with being prepared to turn within and to see what trauma we are carrying inside. Then, we would need the will and the wish to transform it.
That seems a very good start to me, as when you start doing that, nothing other would happen than that the light will rush in to fill up the space you are creating as you transform these trauma’s!
That seems a beautiful form of enlightenment to me.
Last year I realised something about myself: I am not about healing (I used to think that for a very long time). I am here to support the enlightenment of us humans.
Small or big, it doesn’t matter. Every step counts!
Therefore, I wish you a lovely new year full of enlightening steps, and the enjoyment of what follows from that!