La femme avec les racines

La femme avec les racines

What I am about to tell you, is as good an example of synchronicity as any. This yet again, confirms that the flow exists and how everything is just so beautifully aligned!

The story starts in France, in the year of 2017.
I was there with my friend. We had been kanoeing and had worked up quite an apetite. So we were in the nearby village, looking for somewhere to eat.
In our search for a restaurant, my eye fell on a little storefront called “Le croisée des chemins” (The corssing of roads). It seemed like a really nice store, but our need for food was greater, so we continued on.
When we had eaten, I had forgotten all about that little store. We were on our way to the car, when my friend suddenly dove into a store to our left. An older lady was selling paintings, She sold her works, some of which were paintings of the Flower of Life. This is why my friend was interested in it. He bought a painting. And do you know what the store was called? You must have guessed it:  Le croisée des chemins.
It was a cozy shop, as if we walked into someones’ private library, only with more paintings. The older lady told us that this was her last season in the shop. It became too expensive and too tiring. Her son had persuaded her to startselling her art online.
I saw a beautiful painting of a tree with womens’ faces and a Flower of Life in the roots. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the money at that time to buy it. “was I interested in a reproduction of it?”. No, I wasn’t, I didn’t think they were pretty enough. The original had sparkly golden paint for the leaves, which I liked very much.
Helas, I had to let it go, but I didn’t leave the shop without having agreed with the lady that I could email her should I still be interested later and she could send the painting to me.
Back at home, the months came and went and I thought of the painting a few times, but didn’t do anything about it.
It was December 2017 when I felt a great PUSH from my (deceased) mom; “you need to buy that painting now”, is what she said.
It felt important, so I emailed the lady in France. Yes, the painting was still available and I could buy it. She sent it to me in a lovingly wrapped package, complete with a message for me on the back of the painting. I had it framed and it hangs above the head end of my bed since early 2018. I enjoyed it daily. The reason why it was so important to buy the painting remained a mystery for quite some time.

Czech Republic
And thus I followed my impulse to take up learning my mother’s language yet again in 2021, with the plan to search for my long lost family over there. Online lessons, a week in the summer and another year of weekly online lessons followed. It wasn’t going dast enough. I wanted more, faster. So I decided to leave for Prague in 2022 for the duration of 2,5 months. Surely, I should be able to pick up the language by being immersed in the country for 2 months? As many before me, I TOTALLY underestimated the difficulty of the language, but I did learn to speak the language better and better at a snails pace.
I had judged it well, I really needed to speak Czech should I want to find my family. (Not to speak of the need to communicate with them once I found them).
With my flawed Czech, I even managed to navigate my way at the Ministry of Inner Affairs, only to find out that they couldn’t help me. With a lot of help from my Czech teacher I finally managed via Facebook (good old Facebook, hey?): I found my family which I hadn’t seen or spoken to in over 30 years!  The 23rd of August 2022 was the day that marked the beginning of my renewed contact with my family over there. A very happy moment which still brings me very happy memories to date.

Having arrived at home after 2,5 months, I went through my house to open the windows for it to air. I noticed at a glance that the painting above my bed seemed to light up. I made a mental note of it and decided to look into it alter. There was a lot to do after such a long trip.
After a good nights’ rest, I remembered that I was going to examine what I had seen in the painting the day before, and I turned to take a good look at the painting.
And that’s when I saw it: the painting is of a tree with golden leaves and a root system in which the Flower of life is created. This is why I liked it so much. In the stem of the tree, one can discern 11 faces of women. I love paintings where there is always something new to discover.
And then it finally dawned on me: the painting is called  “La femme avec les racines”…..the lady with the roots….and suddenly I FELT as if roots were growing from my feet! For the first time in 48 years, I had roots!
Everybody so easily uses the phrase “to find your roots”. I also went looking for my roots, never expecting that suddenly, for the first time in 48 years, I would actually be rooted!! I had to root in the Czech Republic, so I have now learned, not in The Netherlands. Or, as a friend said to me after I had told her this story:”You had to go and pick up your roots from there”.
The shift that has started with these new found roots is phenomenal. I finaly understand what it feels like to belong somewhere. I do not need to live there, but I KNOW that these people are there and that I belong there. It took me 48 years to understand this. Incredible., what a gift.

And only then did I realize the synchronicity of this story: a totaly unknown lady created a painting in 2017, which I bumped into totally by chance, due to my friend who seemingly randomly dove into a little store, in France, only 5 years later to realise why the painting is so made for me and why I had to buy it (already back then).
If that doesn’t show the beauty of synchronicity????
My great big thank you to that lovely, older lady in France who followed her inspiration so beautifully, so that I now, here in the Netherlands, in 2022, may understand that it is me – the lady with the roots….


Thank you, mama.




Don’t take yourself too seriously

Don’t take yourself too seriously

“Taking yourself seriously is the original sin”
– Oscar Wilde

Recently, a client of mine came with this quote and I think it is briliant! Oscar Wilde was clearly of the opinion that the human existence is to be reduced to our tendency to taking ourselves and life as a whole far too seriously.
As soon as we start taking ourselves too seriously, everything becomes difficult: we end up in the never ending game of right- end-wrong thoughts. Judgements are our sure fire way out of unity! In other words: we get stuck in ego.
My parents’ motto was ” don’t take yourself too seriously”. I couldn’t agree more.

Seriousness is considered an illness by some comedians. They may have a point. Being overly serious keeps you firmly seated in your mind and out of your heart, which could hold it all in her unlimited goodness. In other words: the everlasting dilema of the mind versus the heart.

Especially when thing get tough, it is important to keep a certain measure of lightheartedness. It will become easier to live through the tough times. And maybe, life may even take a different turn!
Think of the law of attraction: that which you think of repeatedly with much emotion, will be manifested!
So watch out when you are getting too serious. Make sure you DO SOMETHING to get out of it, as quickly as you can.
Life was not meant to be suffered.

To support you in DOING SOMETHING, I have recorded a video with a lesson in self-laughter. As some clients pointed out, laughing alone is far less fun than laughing together. And this is very true! We know from laughter yoga that people laugh most when we are together with other people.
So, to make things easy, I recorded myself laughing, so you can either laugh with me, or at me. It doesn’t mater to me, just as long as you are laughing!

Enjoy your laughter and have a lovely day!

New Year’s message Persephone

New Year’s message Persephone

In the winter, Persephone goes to the underworld according to the mythology, to be with her husband Hades until spring arrives.
With the help of Persephone, I interpret this differently: she is the growth force of nature. This means that she, just as plants, rests during the winter. The picture on this page shows this beautifully.

Of course, Persephone is no human being, rather an energy, a force. She therefore does not sleep. Much to the contrary. She is very busy as one of the supporting light forces who are supporting us in making this grand shift into the light on our earth.
It is in this role, that she has given me a powerful message for all of us, to support us during these perhaps rather uncomfortable life experience.
Joy (humor, laughter) and love are two of the most important ingredients, according to her. An advice I gladly take to heart!

I recorded this message on December 31st, where Marcus Aurelius (my gatekeeper guide) welcomed me outside the temple where I normally speak with her. He always helps me to cleanse myself of all the human energies, before I enter the temple. You can hear this in the recording. He made it very clear to me that this message is not only meant for me, but is directed towards all of humanity.

Please, enjoy her message for this new year!


“Dat zoiets simpels zo effectief kan zijn voor het verwerken van emotie en trauma’s.” –

Yannick Pelder, fysiotherapeut, deelnemer Level I ademweekend

“Een aanrader voor iedere hulpverlener/coach. Adem schept verbinding! Transformational Breath geeft mij de opening naar het leven durven léven!”

Natasja Hazelaar
Pedagogisch behandelaar en coach NLP/systemisch werk, deelneemster Level I ademweekend

“Een training die je weer tot leven ademt.”

deelneemster Level I ademweekend

Nadja heeft mij een stuk verder geholpen in de zwaarste tijd van m’n leven. Ik was in een diepe depressie beland en ik ontdekte dat je met ademhalingsoefeningen veel rust kon terugbrengen. Ik wist niet wat ik meemaakte toen ik ontdekte wat je met ademhaling kan bereiken.


Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

“Keep your face to the sunshine,
and you will not see the shadows”

– Native american saying

More than ever, this saying is of importance in these interesting times. Focus on the light, so it receives your full attention.
Energy flows where your intention goes. So give THAT your attention which you WISH to experience. Do NOT focus on that which you do not want.
So make sure you keep searching for the light within. No better time to do this during the lock down period with not too much else distracting you.
Do not be persuaded to succumb to dark emotions such as fear and anger. This does not serve you nor the world.
Give these emotions space when they arrise spontaneously, but do not feed them. Do not call them forth with negative thoughts.
So keep finding and inviting the light: take a walk in nature, dance, sing, laugh (with a videos, friends or laughter sessions) meditate, practice gratitude and loving kindness, take time to breathe consciously or call up a friend with whom you can be merry. There are so many ways to find the light and to stay in it.
This is our work right now. It is not always easy, but this IS our holy work. To understand that we can decide how we wish to feel. Your joy feeds the univers.

Be a brilliant light amidst the chaos. Just shine your light. People will find your beaken and will follow.

To support you in this, I will be offering an online breathing session on January 5 to celebrate the New Year and to focus our attention on what we wish to experience this coming year. Please join!
For more information, please go to: Breathing 4 Energy – New Years’ breath for experienced breathers.

For those of you who celebrate Christmas and all of you who don’t: I wish you lots of light and a loving time this month, however you decide to spend these days.
And let 2021 bring us the highest and best under grace we can receive…..

….this, or something GREATER!!

Lots of love and hopefully see you soon!

Cancer and breath

Cancer and breath

I am asked regularly to explain more about the relationship between cancer and breath and how conscious breathing can play a role in this.

Last year I was invited to present at the largest worldwide zoom conference about this subject. The Embodiment Conference (TEC) reached more than one million viewers, in 10 days time more than 1000 speakers presented their content and it was a very special conference to be a part of as a speaker.

The recording of my presentation is now accessible for everyone to watch.
In this one-hour presentation, I first explein about the literature which tells us about the role of oxygen and emotions with cancer. After that, I lead a nice breathing exercise, so make shure you are comfortable!

Of course, there is no limit to the number of times you can practice this breathing exercise, so feel free to return to this video whenever it suits you!
I hope to offer valuable information to you in your search for health when you or a loved one are dealing with cancer.

Please let me know in the comments section what you think of this video!
You can also find the video below, on my YouTube channel. You can like it there and store it under your favorites, so you can return to it easily!

Enjoy and thank you for sharing.

Channeling Persephone equinox June 21, 2021

Channeling Persephone equinox June 21, 2021

In honour of the equinox on June 21, I asked Persephone for some wisdom which was appropriate for these times.

I read it to the group of participants in my monthly Breathing4Energy. The words seemed to soothe them and calm them. As I repeat this message to other friends and clients, I have notices the same effect. I therefore thought it would be a good idea to share her words here with anyone who wishes to read them.

Please enjoy her wisdom and the energy which flows from them.

Channeling Persephone June 21, 2021

My dear child, you are a child of God, don’t you ever forget that.

These are auspicious times, not only for you, for humanity, but also for the entire universe. You have begun an important ascension process which will last for longer than your lifetimes. I am but one factor in this whole process.

NB: why is this happening?
The reason why is because you needed something to grasp onto. The universe was dying as you were on a dying planet. We could not have that happen.

You see, there is so much more riding on this ascension than you may have noticed.
As an advocate for the board of wise ones (you would say men, but they do not identify themselves as men NOR women), I have been chosen to speak on their

NB: Thank you, now what is it you feel we need to know about these times?
PLEASE, DO NOT WORRY. Worry is about the worst thing you could do at these times. You are lifted, you are carried. ALL of you.

The wisest council I can give you is to leave it up to the wise ones. Are you able to trust? Can you find trust in your system? We will NOT let you fall, ever.

We understand that the prospect of death is something terrifying to your egos. However, you ARE not your ego. You have it implanted in your machine as an app. It is an app which seems to have taken over the system. Your societies have made it so. By elevating the mind to the seat of ruler, you have edged intuition out, and the very essence of who you are.
This age is all about awakening to this reality, this truth.
So, back to the subject of fear: there is NOTHING TO FEAR. Truly.

The games you play are but children’s games in the field of what is truly going on.
This is a big game – no, it is not a war, as that would suppose opposing sides, which is an aspect you only know on this planet. The true game was started very long ago, when consciousness wished to expand beyond its limitations. For that, we needed an upgrade to our systems, a reboot, so to say. Are you understanding me?
So, as the song you like so much goes: “I can only go as fast as the slowest part in me feels safe to go”, we have been waiting patiently for humankind to outgrow its infancy. It took a long time. It seems you are wanting to remain in infancy over and over again.

As a representative of the earth cycles, I can tell you that the mishaps occurring with previous civilizations on your planet (Atlantis, etc.), were due to humanity still being in their infancy stages. Barely able to walk.
Knowledge is useless without wisdom. Wisdom is paramount if you wish to further your selves. Vibration is paramount.

NB: is there any advice you can give us for these times?
Sit still. Be quiet. Let it come to you. There is NO danger, whatsoever. Never doubt the light.
Be conscious of what you are thinking. It creates your reality. Become conscious of what you are thinking HABITUALLY.

The problem with your anxiety is that you think you have created this mess. This is only partly true. Yes, it is correct to assume that there is a base of negative thinking which feeds the processes the wrong way.
However, there are forces far greater than you, out of your reach, which have far-weighing impact on you. You have no idea. Your vision is too small.

As an example: you are baking a cake. The earth provides your raw materials: the flour, the eggs coming from the chicken. Which force makes these a reality?
Then, you and your creativity mix things together to make something tasteful. The heat of the oven then makes it into a cake. It isn’t YOU who is making the cake. You are just adding a vital ingredient into the whole process. Do you see?

So you can decorate the cake or add some jam, but the whole process of making the cake requires a wholly different force.
Such is the way we work in these times.
Do not worry.
Indeed, you do not want to be adding stale milk or sour cherries into the cake, but PLEASE, please do not imagine that it is humanity which is staging these changes.

Yes, there are some who believe they can use this to their opportunity. Not to worry, they will be unmasked quite soon. Certainly within your lifetimes.

As for preparations: make sure you have all you desire in your house to make you comfortable, as things are about to change rapidly.
Again, there is nothing to worry, you are safe within our hands. But as your mother made your father invest in a comfortable sitting chair (this happened a couple of weeks before my mother passed away), you may wish to sit comfortably as the storm weathers around your houses. There is nothing like Dorothy’s experience (in the Wizard of OZ) going to happen. Your houses will not become uprooted.

NB: What is it you are doing to counter the dark forces?
Please do not look at it from your standpoint of duality. There is no dark or light over here. There is only change. You are safe.

Maybe the best thing to do is to sit and to spend time FEELING SAFE. Yes.
Spend time feeling safe. Practice feeling safe. No need to worry about what the adults are arranging for your vacation. No need to worry about the details of the trip. They will get you there and back again in total safety. Can you feel that?

NB: Thank you, this is very valuable advice. Is there anything you require from us? Anything we can do?
Tend to your gardens. Make them celebrations of life. Connect with the joy of the plants, the soil. It will help you to calm down. There is so much fear, anxiety in the atmosphere now. There is no need for that. Don’t start turning the milk sour. All the ingredients we need are here. We are just embarking on the process of mixing things together.

Once the cake is baked, you will revel in how delicious it turned out to be.
So look forward to that! Look forward to the most delicious cake you will ever eat!!
Imagine a positive future.

If there is anything you wish to do to help, this would be very helpful: practice feeling safe and imagine a brilliant future. Yes.
So, how is this? Is this sufficient preparation for your class tonight?

NB: This is wonderful, thank you very much.

My dear one, you worry too much. Lighten up! You would be helping yourself a great deal if you did.
The adversity is due to the fear. Go back to who you were before it all started to fall apart. Get inspired by the youth. They are still so fully happy and trusting. Return to that space. A lot will heal, you will notice. I will say goodbye for now, as I am busy right now. Until another time!
Suffice to say that all is well right now. Goodbye.